Do you love singing and playing nursery rhymes with your kids? 🎶 If you have a ukulele, you’re in for a treat with our compilation of the top 15 Ukulele Nursery Rhymes complete with free printable chord sheets! 🎸
Our easy-to-follow chord sheets will help you master classics like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” “Baa Baa Black Sheep,” and many more. Playing these songs on the ukulele can not only be a fun way to bond with your little ones but also help them with their early learning and motor skills.
When using the Ukulele music sheets, look out for the strumming pattern and we’ve provided a short description of each song for activity inspiration. The strumming pattern is only for your reference, as you may have your own variation of strumming.
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We’ll keep releasing free printable Ukulele music sheets monthly so be sure to follow or subscribe to us for more content.
Read our related compilation articles for more Ukulele Tips and Resources!
For more Ukulele free printables visit our section on Super Simple And The Best Ukulele Songs For Kids
Want to learn how to play Super Simple Children Songs with the Ukulele? Start your musical journey here.
Read the article here on Ukulele for Kids (A Complete Beginner’s Introduction)
and check out our Christmas compilation here: Have A Jolly Good Christmas With These All Time Favorite Super Easy to play Ukulele Christmas Songs

#1 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is a classic lullaby that is perfect for bedtime. Play this soothing song to help your child relax and wind down before sleep.
Play it and sing it slowly with each strum of the ukulele.
#2 Happy Birthday To You

An easy song to play for parties and for children who love dramatizing. A birthday song is a must-play and a great addition to birthday parties and cute, special occasions.
#3 Rock A bye Baby

Rock A Bye Baby: Download the PDF printable version here

Rock A Bye Baby has a very calm and relaxing tune, guaranteed to soothe little ones. It’s so easy to play with just 2 chords and the best way is to play it real slow while your child embraces themself in this sweet song.
#4 ABC Song

Early learning with the ABC song couldn’t be easier! Teach ABCs and alphabets while singing and playing this one with the Ukulele. With only 3 chords, you can play this fast or slow it’s really up to you.
#5 You Are My Sunshine

You are my sunshine is a children’s classic song. Another super easy to play song with just 3 chords. If you play it slow, use the downward strumming pattern at each beat.
Otherwise, you can play it slightly faster by using the second strumming pattern to create a constantly moving rhythm.
#6 Old Mac Donald Had A Farm

Teach your children about different animals and the sounds they make with this engaging and educational song.
Old Mac Donald Had a Farm can be played over and over again using the following pattern. Keep it upbeat and engaging with different animal variations while kids enjoy dancing to the tune of the song.
#7 Three Blind Mice

This one’s also easy peasy to play slowly. Follow the ukulele chord and strum downwards on each note.
#8 Row Your Boat

A calming song that is great for sing-alongs and rounds, facilitating group participation and harmony.
This song has just 2 chords and a slow-going beat. You can strum at regular intervals or once on each sentence at a time and this song will sound just as dreamy and nice.
#9 Down By The Bay

Play around with different variations instead of “.. Did you ever seen a bear combing his hair”,
- Did you ever see a goose, kissing a moose?
- Did you ever see a llama, eating his pajamas?
- Did you ever see a whale, with a polka-dot tail?
- Did you ever see a fly, wearing a tie?
- Did you ever see a pig, wearing a wig?
#10 Mary Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary quite contrary is a cute little sweet song for the young ones especially suited to girls.
You can play it slow (use a downward strumming pattern on each beat) or play it fast (use the second strumming pattern) to create a rhythmic tune.
#11 If You’re Happy And You Know It

If You’re Happy and You Know It is a lively song that gets kids moving and clapping, perfect for developing motor skills and ensuring lots of giggles.
This song will keep kids happy and in a jolly good mood when they hear it. Instead of “.. Clap your hands” try changing it to…
- Stomp your feet
- Spin around
- Shout Hurray
- Do all three
#12 The Wheels On The Bus

The Wheels on the Bus is a fun and interactive song that is great for group singing. Encourage your kids to join in with the motions as you strum along.
With only 2 chords, play it with the indicated strumming pattern and instead of “.. wheels on the bus, go round and round” you can change it to…
- Baby on the bus goes “Waaa..”
- Bell on the bus goes “ding-ding-ding”
- The horn on the bus goes “Beep, beep, beep”
- Daddy on the bus goes “I love you”
#13 Itsy Bitsy Spider

Perfect for fingerplay, Itsy Bitsy Spider improves hand-eye coordination and is always a favorite among young kids.
And it’s also another super easy Nursery Rhyme song – with just 2 chords you can play it slow and steady making it a nice relaxing and soothing lullaby song.
#14 My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean is a children’s folk song. Play this slow to give a slow and melodic rhythm.
#15 Skip To My Lou

Skip to the Lou works great as a toilet or potty training song – encouraging young kids to make their way to their potty or bathroom. It’s a catchy tune that young children can easily learn.
With these nursery rhymes and our easy-to-use chord sheets, you’ll be creating wonderful musical moments with your children in no time. Singing and playing these songs together can bring immense joy and strengthen your bond.

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Warmest Regards,
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