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All in one preschool preparatory pack (free download)


Starting preschool is a big milestone for both parents and children. It’s an exciting time, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is prepared for this new adventure. That’s why we have created the ultimate preschool prep pack to help make the transition easier for both you and your child. In this post, we will provide you with a free printable download and checklist to ensure that you have everything you need for your child’s first day of preschool. From backpack essentials and lunchbox ideas to tips for getting your child excited about learning, we’ve got you covered. With our preschool prep pack, you can rest easy knowing that your child is ready to embark on this new journey with confidence.

Related Article: The ultimate homeschool planner that covers all that you need for preschool homeschooling moms

Preparing your child for preschool is a crucial step in their educational journey. Preschool provides a foundation for learning and social development, setting the stage for future academic success. As a parent, it is natural to want the best for your child, and giving them a head start in preschool can make a significant difference in their overall growth and development.

Preschool is not just about learning ABCs and 123s; it is a place where children learn to navigate the world around them, develop social skills, and gain independence. It is a time when they start to explore their interests, discover their strengths, and build a love for learning.

By introducing your child to the concept of preschool and taking proactive steps to prepare them, you are setting them up for a smooth transition into this new chapter of their lives. Establishing a solid foundation early on will help them feel confident, comfortable, and excited about starting preschool.

Preschool preparation goes beyond just packing their backpacks or buying new supplies. It involves creating a supportive environment at home, fostering a love for learning, and nurturing their social and emotional development. When children enter preschool with a positive mindset and a readiness to learn, they are more likely to thrive and make the most of their preschool experience.

Preparing your child for preschool is a crucial step in their educational journey, and it offers numerous benefits that can set them up for success. By taking the time to prepare your child for this new stage, you are providing them with a solid foundation and helping them develop essential skills and qualities that will benefit them throughout their academic and social lives.

One of the key benefits of preparing your child for preschool is that it helps ease their transition into a structured learning environment. Preschool often introduces young children to a more structured daily routine, with set schedules and activities. By preparing your child for this change, you are helping them become familiar with routines, rules, and expectations, making the transition smoother and less overwhelming.

Another benefit of preschool preparation is the opportunity it provides for your child to develop social skills. Preschool is a place where children interact with their peers and learn to navigate social situations independently. By preparing your child for this social aspect, you are giving them the tools to develop strong communication skills, build friendships, and learn how to share, take turns, and cooperate with others.

Preparing your child for preschool can enhance their cognitive and academic development. Preschool often introduces early literacy and numeracy concepts, and by familiarizing your child with these skills beforehand, you can give them a head start in their learning journey. Through activities such as reading, counting, and problem-solving, you can help stimulate their curiosity, foster a love for learning, and boost their confidence.

Lastly, preparing your child for preschool can also help them develop independence and self-help skills. Preschool encourages children to take care of themselves, such as dressing themselves, using the bathroom independently, and tidying up after activities. By practicing these skills at home, you are empowering your child to become more self-reliant, which builds their self-esteem and prepares them for greater independence in the future.

Preschool is an exciting milestone in a child’s life, filled with new experiences, friends, and growth opportunities. It serves as a crucial stepping stone towards their educational journey. But what exactly can you expect from preschool, and why is it important to be prepared?

Preschool is not just about playtime and socializing; it lays the foundation for a child’s future academic success. In preschool, children are introduced to basic concepts like shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. They engage in activities that promote cognitive development, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and language skills. Preschool also fosters social and emotional growth, teaching children how to interact with their peers, follow instructions, and express themselves effectively.

Being prepared for preschool is essential to ensure a smooth transition for your child. When children know what to expect, they feel more confident and at ease in their new environment. This sense of security allows them to fully engage in the learning process and make the most of their preschool experience.

One way to prepare your child for preschool is by familiarizing them with common routines and activities that they may encounter. This can be achieved through interactive play, reading books about preschool, or using visual aids. By exposing your child to concepts like circle time, art projects, sharing, and taking turns, they will become more comfortable with the structure of a typical preschool day.

Being prepared for preschool involves equipping your child with essential skills and qualities. This includes self-help skills like using the restroom independently, dressing themselves, and cleaning up after playtime. It is also beneficial to encourage curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning in your child, as these traits will greatly contribute to their overall success in preschool.

By taking the time to prepare your child for preschool, you are setting them up for a positive and productive educational journey. This Preschool Prep Pack includes a free checklist, that will serve as a valuable resource in ensuring that both you and your child are ready for this exciting new chapter.

How ready is your child for preschool?

By observing how your child interacts, plays, copes, and behaves compared to other similar-aged children you will be able to do a rough comparison on whether your child is ready. A preschool teacher on the other hand may also be able to assess your child’s readiness for preschool. Extremely important to note that there isn’t an exact criterion to be fully ready for preschool as every child develops at different rates. They also have their strengths and weaknesses.

Readiness is determined by understanding your child and determining whether you think they will be able to cope in preschool. Since birth, your child would have accumulated various skills and should have some level of emotional, social, physical, and cognitive skills.

Many preschools nowadays introduce lots of curricula, frameworks, and programs. Many of these programs usually come with a set of themes and all the activities are laid out day by day, to be followed in a certain sequence. Frequently, they get put aside when it becomes too much effort to follow or life gets in the way. Preschool should not be rigid and neither should the time at home with your child be.

Designed with busy parents in mind, this pack provides valuable information, tips, and activities to help prepare your little one for their exciting journey into preschool.

With this free printable download and checklist, you’ll have the tools you need to make sure your child is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a preschool setting.

What can your child learn from preschool?

Preschool readiness checklist What I can learn back to school free printable download

This checklist is designed to cover essential skills and concepts that are crucial for a child’s early development and readiness for preschool. With this comprehensive resource, parents and caregivers can ensure that their little ones are well-prepared and equipped with the necessary knowledge and abilities before stepping into the classroom.

One of the key areas covered in the prep pack is language and literacy skills. Children will be introduced to letter recognition, phonics, and basic reading comprehension through engaging activities and worksheets. By focusing on these skills, children will develop a solid foundation in language arts, which will greatly benefit their overall communication and reading abilities.

Mathematics skills are also a vital component of the prep pack. Children will be introduced to numbers, counting, basic arithmetic operations, shapes, and patterns. These activities not only help children understand mathematical concepts but also foster problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

In addition to language and math, the prep pack also emphasizes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Activities such as tracing, cutting, and coloring help children develop their dexterity and control over small muscles, which is essential for tasks like writing and drawing.

On top of these foundational skills, the prep pack includes sections on character/social and emotional development. Children will learn about emotions, empathy, and basic social skills, such as taking turns and sharing. These activities aim to promote self-awareness, positive relationships, and effective communication with peers and adults.

Overall, the essential skills and concepts covered in the preschool prep pack provide a well-rounded approach to early learning. By utilizing this resource, parents can ensure that their child is not only academically prepared but also equipped with the necessary social and emotional skills to thrive in a preschool environment.

It serves as a handy tool to keep track of your child’s progress. It outlines the key developmental milestones and allows you to mark off each skill as your child masters it. This not only helps you stay organized but also gives you a clear picture of your child’s strengths and areas that may need a little extra attention.

Disclaimer: This list above is just a general and basic guide derived from researching various resources however it’s OK if your child is not prepared for any of these skills. Every child has different learning speeds and they will ultimately learn these skills when they go to school.

Whether or not your child is in preschool, you can use the checklist for your reference.

What to prepare for preschool?

Preschool checklist What to bring free checklist printable download

Whether it’s daycare, childcare, or preschool (nursery or kindergarten), here’s a checklist of the items you may be packing for the first day of preschool. This is a free editable printable template checklist for download below. Either print it directly to write notes on or you can use Adobe PDF Acrobat Reader DC (paid)/Libre Office (free to install and download) to edit on your own. Refer to the guide below on how to use Libre Office offline to edit the printable.

For a short preparatory guide for kids on the first day of preschool, we have created the following 3 part short video for a visual aid of what to prepare before the first day of preschool. We do recommend that you check out our InspireMyTot section for similar video content.

First Day of Preschool Preparation Guide

All About Me Activity Worksheet

This free printable All About Me printable can be used in several ways,

  1. Use as a keepsake or souvenir
  2. Keep in a toddler’s activity/memory scrapbook
  3. Use as an icebreaker activity in a classroom setting or Show and Tell – Back To School activity
  4. Simply pin it up or use it as a poster in a child’s room
All about me preschool worksheet free printable download

Daily Routine Schedule Template

Why do you need a daily schedule template?

Whether it’s for preschool or homeschooling. Or whether you are a parent, childminder, or even teacher. You need to effectively plan your day. It’s a quick and easy way to help you support children as they become comfortable and confident in their environment. Young children thrive on routine and implement a simple routine that will keep their space consistent and engaging.

Prepare your child’s expectations and avoid surprises. Maintaining a routine in your role will keep you organized and sane while you juggle your other tasks like housework and work from home better.

Suggestions on how to use the template

If school is out, use this as a preschool daily schedule or game plan at home. You need to keep the little one entertained at home and the best way is to plan your day to avoid surprises and tantrums or difficult situations.

Additional tip #1: When planning activities especially Teaching and learning ones with young kids be mindful to stay practical and realistic. Sometimes it’s just not possible to overload them with so much teaching as they are not going to sit still there for more than a couple of minutes. In my experience with my child, about 30 minutes of Teaching and learning is sufficient per day due to the low focus level which is common with kids their age. The rest of the activities should be fun stuff like Arts & crafts, playing with toys/games, and even coloring or scissors cutting, etc.

Play is in our opinion the most important activity for your child’s overall development. Your child should have enough opportunities to engage in all kinds of play. Set aside time for free play and adult-guided activities.

Even if you’re not using this template for your child’s routine you can use it for your routine to give yourself a boost, stay organized and on task.

About the Daily Schedule template (Forest Animal Theme)

The timetabling section is hourly from 6 – 9 PM. The All-in-one Toddler Daily schedule intends to provide a summary of daily activities and reminders in one single template.

Write down your lesson or teaching & learning plans for the day, your child’s to-do list, meal plans, or special notes and reminders all in one single template.

Preschool daily schedule homeschool free download printable

Preschooler Daily Journal/Record

A daily journal will help your child practice gratitude and mindfulness.

From a teacher’s or childminder’s perspective, it can be used as a helpful sheet to communicate a child’s day in preschool.

Preschool daily journal free mindfulness printable download

Multi-Use Reward Chart

This reward chart has endless uses. You can use it for behavior training, potty training, reward charts for good habits, and behavior management.

This is a simple reward chart for kids. This can be used to track your child’s progress while rewarding them for positive behavior. This reward chart is effective at home or in a classroom setting. Behavior charts such as this can improve children’s behavior by positively reinforcing their good behavior and habits to receive more rewards.

Display it on a wall or in exercise books, and proceed to reward positive behavior with stickers, stamps, or smiley faces. When the child reaches the target, you can then reward them with a prize!

Preschool reward chart free printable download

Using this preschool prep pack is a great way to ensure that you are fully prepared for your child’s preschool journey. To help you make the most out of these resources, here is a step-by-step guide on how to use them effectively:

1. Start by printing out the preschool prep checklist. This comprehensive list covers all the essential items and tasks that you need to consider before your child starts preschool. It includes everything from gathering the things to preparing for the first day of school and developmental milestones.

2. Take some time to carefully review the checklist and familiarize yourself with the things to prepare. This will give you a clear understanding of what needs to be done and help you prioritize your tasks.

3. Use the printable daily schedule provided to create a preschool schedule for your child. This can be a daily or weekly schedule that outlines their activities, including drop-off and pick-up times, meal times, nap times, and playtime. Having a structured schedule will help your child adjust to the routine of preschool life.

4. Make use of the checklist to ensure that you have all the necessary supplies and materials for your child’s preschool experience. This may include backpacks, lunch boxes, extra clothing, and any specific items requested by the preschool. Tick off each item as you gather them to stay organized and prepared.

5. As you complete each task mentioned in the checklist, make sure to check it off or mark it as completed. This will give you a sense of progress and help you stay on track.

6. Keep the printable download and checklist in a visible and accessible place. You can pin it up on a bulletin board or keep it in a folder on your desk. This way, you can easily refer to it whenever needed and track your progress as you prepare for preschool.

We hope the list will help you stay organized, ensure that you have everything you need, and give you peace of mind as your child embarks on their preschool journey.

In addition to the comprehensive preschool prep pack and checklist, several additional tips and activities can further supplement your child’s readiness for preschool. These activities are designed to be fun, engaging, and educational, ensuring that your little one is well-prepared for their exciting preschool journey.

1. Reading: Reading aloud to your child is one of the most effective ways to foster a love for learning and language development. Set aside daily reading time where you can explore a variety of books together. Encourage your child to ask questions, make predictions, and engage in discussions about the story.

Check out our articles here on reading tips for preschoolers:

Transform Your Reading Space with a Free Printable Set of 6 Preschool Reading Posters

Reading Wands: A Magical Way to Help Kids Read (Grab your Free Cute Animal Face Reading Wand Templates)

How to teach a preschooler to learn to read?

2. Fine motor skills: Strengthening fine motor skills is essential for preschool success. Engage your child in activities that promote hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Building with blocks, threading beads, and coloring within the lines are excellent ways to enhance these skills.

3. Counting and number recognition: Introduce basic counting and number recognition through playful activities. Use everyday objects like toys or snacks to count together. Incorporate number recognition games, such as finding and identifying numbers around the house or while out and about.

4. Social skills: Preschool is not only about academics but also about social interactions. Encourage your child to engage in playdates or join group activities where they can learn to share, take turns, and cooperate with others. Role-playing scenarios can also help them practice important social skills, like expressing emotions and resolving conflicts.

5. Gross motor skills: Develop gross motor skills by engaging in outdoor activities. Encourage running, jumping, climbing, and balancing. Take trips to the park, go for nature walks, or set up obstacle courses in your backyard. These activities will not only enhance physical abilities but also boost confidence and overall well-being.

Remember, every child is unique, so adapt these activities to suit your child’s interests and abilities. By incorporating these additional tips and activities alongside the preschool prep pack, you’ll be providing your child with a well-rounded preparation for their upcoming preschool adventure.

Download the Free All-in-One Preschool Prep Pack

The All in One Preschool Preparatory Pack includes the following printables!

  1. Preschool What to Bring/Pack Checklist
  2. What I can learn in Preschool Checklist
  3. All About Me Activity Sheet
  4. All-in-One Daily Routine Schedule Planner
  5. Preschooler’s Daily Journal/Record Activity Sheet
  6. Reward chart

Terms of Use

You can use this All-in-one preschool preparatory pack for personal or classroom use but please do not distribute the pack, instead link others to our website to download the pack. By downloading our pack you agree to our Terms of Use.

Download this printable FREE! Provide a valid email so we can send this to you instantly!

Access your child's readiness for preschool, know what to prep beforehand, printable templates included. 

Here's what's included in the All-in-one preschool preparatory pack,

  1. Preschool Things to Bring/Pack Checklist
  2. What I can learn in Preschool checklist
  3. All About Me toddler activity poster
  4. Daily activity schedule for parents/child/childminder
  5. Preschooler daily journal template
  6. Reward Chart for behavior management

By agreeing to download this printable you will automatically be subscribed to our newsletter to get updates on new content, blog posts, videos, and other freebies straight to your mailbox.

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All About Me (Activities)

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Conclusion and encouragement for parents to start preparing their child for preschool using the Preschool Prep Pack

Now, it’s time to take action and start preparing your child for preschool. Remember, every child is unique, and they may have different needs and interests.

By engaging in activities from the pack, you will not only help your child develop essential skills but also build their confidence and excitement for the upcoming preschool adventure.

We encourage you to set aside dedicated time each day to work through the activities in the Preschool Prep Pack. Make it a fun and interactive experience for your child, and celebrate their progress along the way. Remember, learning should always be a positive and enjoyable journey.

Happy prepping, and here’s to a successful preschool experience for your little one!

We certainly recommend that you check out the InspireMyTot page which is a compilation of inspirational parenting tips and toddler motivational video content. If you’re looking for other toddler activity ideas, you can visit the site’s section on Toddler Activity Ideas.

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Warmest Regards,

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Access your child's readiness for preschool, and know what to prep beforehand, printable templates included. 

  1. 1. Preschool Things to Bring/Pack Checklist
  2. 2. What I can learn in Preschool
  3. 3. All About Me toddler activity poster
  4. 4. Daily activity schedule
  5. 5. Preschooler daily journal template
  6. 6. Reward Chart for behavior management

By agreeing to download this printable you will automatically be subscribed to our newsletter to get updates on new content, blog posts, videos, and other freebies straight to your mailbox.

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Download this printable FREE! Provide a valid email so we can send this to you instantly!

Access your child's readiness for preschool, know what to prep beforehand, printable templates included. 

Here's what's included in the All-in-one preschool preparatory pack,

  1. Preschool Things to Bring/Pack Checklist
  2. What I can learn in Preschool checklist
  3. All About Me toddler activity poster
  4. Daily activity schedule for parents/child/childminder
  5. Preschooler daily journal template
  6. Reward Chart for behavior management

By agreeing to download this printable you will automatically be subscribed to our newsletter to get updates on new content, blog posts, videos, and other freebies straight to your mailbox.

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